Xeryfyn's Brag Book

Thursday, June 02, 2011

My Natalie

My Natalie is a funny girl. She loves her mommy so much she can hardly stand to be apart from her for a moment--it is a rare day that she deigns to spend time with anyone else without whining. Some days it feels good to be needed so intently, to be the sun that her day revolves around. Other days the need for a reprieve is overwhelming and her clinginess is cloying and suffocating.

She does things in her own time and in her own way, preferring to cuddle and snuggle over exploring and moving. Which isnt to say that she doesnt, just that she is on her own timeline!

When she was small, she was a very serious baby--smiles were few and far between and oh so hard won. You would never know exactly what would make her face light up but it was sooo rewarding when it happened, you just couldnt resist doing all sorts of silly things to see it again.

She particularly liked having her clothes taken off (oh so funny) so there were many excuses made to change her at random intervals in order to get that adorable chuckle issue forth from the depths of her belly.

I suppose what makes her so attached to mommy is the sheer amount of time spent nursing. Natalie is a voracious eater and finds much delight and pleasure in food--nursing is her ultimate comfort but as she progressed to baby food and then to table food there is no end to her satisfaction.Now she is getting brave enough to crawl away from mom for short jaunts but invariably, the sole reason for crawling is to return to the place where mom is (having been put down across the kitchen or the living room) to be picked up once again.

Posted by Xeryfyn :: 9:16 PM :: 0 Comments:

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